You Broke It

My name is Josh Severse and I am a Web Developer in Boston. I am a graduate of the Web Development program at Boston University's CDIA. I love all things that make up the web. I am not defined as a Front or Back End Developer. I enjoy it all. Currently, I have been doing a lot of contract work for Trionia, Inc. They have been a great partner that has given me the opportunity to hone my skills.

I am currently attending Boston University Center for Digital Imaging Arts. Enrolled in the Web Development program with a graduation date of February, 2013. This intensive program focuses on client-side programming with HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and server-side programming using PHP scripting and Structured Query Language (SQL) databases in deploying rich media sites using various open source content management toolsets.

Picture of HTML5 Logo Picture of Wordpress Logo Picture of jQuery Logo Picture of Javascript Logo Picture a red button

Picture of my Desk